Happiness is sleeping on your mother’s lap for eternity
The lick of your dog on your nose
The touch of a rain drop on your cheek
The gentle breeze flirting with your locks
A tap on your shoulder when you can’t face the world
Winning over an argument with a crinkle on your nose
A tear filled smile on your beloved’s face
Letting your friend win - by losing that race
That surprise waiting for you when you switch on the lights
A nod of agreement when every one’s hostile
Stealing that last choco pie from the refrigerator and then acting innocent
Helping an aged person while crossing a busy road- preventing an accident
Successful struggle for that last ticket of a blockbuster
Helping your dad wash the car when its pouring with not a fluster
Allowing your sibling to drive for a few miles alone
Bumping into your kindergarten friend after 20 years in the unknown

A long tiring day sealed with a kiss
Going over the same old song everyday- without a miss
Spotting a shooting star on a starry night
Searching for a face in the crowd - far away from sight
Cuddling next to your pet and going off to sleep
Waking up to a beautiful morning and go bow peep
Being called your dad’s favourite
Wearing a sweater mom had knit
All these and many more joys surround our world
And yet we all are in its pursuit..
In the pursuit of HAPPINESS…
Abraham Lincon rightly said:
"People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be."